Here is my 1962 LI preservation project.  I call it preservation instead of restoration.  A restoration is rebuilding a tractor to its original condition.  A preservation is a rebuild that is for the purpose extending the life of the tractor.  To reset rust and corrosion, replace worn parts, add a protective finish.  It may not be historically correct or even pretty, but ready for another couple of decades of service.  I've tried to keep the basic coloring as close to original as possible using off the shelve paint colors.  I started this project in October of 2006 and it is almost finished in December.



                            BEFORE                                                                            AFTER

eBay special

This is picture from eBay, if the seller would have had a better camera, he would have gotten more bids.

After valve repair and running

Rear view

Always use new head bolts

Dissasmbled and cleaned

Washed and degreased, this was a bare minimum prep job. Time will tell if it works or not.


Black paint

Parts for cleaning

More parts

More parts

Back of shrod


The shrod and tank were assembled and then painted so there is a lot of rust.

Shroud after paint stripping

I used a chemical stripper to remove the paint.

Top of shroud

Tanks before sripping.

This tractor had 3 layers of paint.

Tank end

Tank bands left marks

Tank after stripping

Tank end

Parts after paint

Shroud primed

Shroud back with paint

Tank with paint

Tank end

Shroud top

Awaiting assembly

Tractor mounted on the Ronny-Rack (patent pending) waiting for starter hub paint and wheel mounting.

Geared Reduction wheels

Looks like these came off of a circus wagon rather than a Gravely.

Cleaned up


With paint

White, perfect color or a machine that leaks oil and works in the dirt!

Wheel before

Rust was wire brushed off.

wheel masked off for painting

I let the air out of the tires, this allowed me to get the masking between the rim and tire. Makes for a little neater paint job.

Final product

Starter gear primed

See the exhaust, I can't get it out. PB Blaster hasen' worked nor a propaine torch.

Starter gear painted.

Oil System

This tractor did not have an oil gage on it when I bought it.

Carb installed

Shroud and tank fitted

I assembled the tank, fan and shroud ahead of time. All of it going on as one piece is alot easier.

Govenor bracket

I might install a govenor someday. I've installed the bracket now, so the govenor will go in easy.


Starter with new bushings.

Gear on axle

This is the drive gear for the geared reduction wheels, relpaces the stock hub.

Geared reduction wheel hub.

Got one side on, only 65 lbs. I was suprised that the Ronny Rack never tipped over.

Both wheels on.

Got both wheels on, time to remove the Ronny Rack.

Standing on its own

Now it's time to install the remote PTO. It did not have one before.

Ronny Roller

Here's the Ronny Roller in place for final assembly. Make the tractor easy to move .

Top of remote PTO

Remote PTO lever

Battery tray installed

Handle bars in place

Levers installed

Air cleaner mount and magneto

Tins in place

Before the top tin goes in, I torqued the head bolts, ran the engine, torqued the head bolts, remove the two short bolts on the ends, added the spacers, tin and long bolts, then torqued the long bolts.

Final Product (almost)

Everything but the hood.

Ready for action!

The way winter is going this year, it may see cultivator action before snow action.

Hood in place

After two paint jobs, the hood is ready to go, except for the part that it doesn't fit!

